I have been teaching lessons out of my home now for 12 years. Usually, it is just fine. My mother instilled an unnatural level of paranoia when it comes to making sure my house is clean and then add to that people coming by every day, well- let's just say that a home studio helps me stay on top of the dusting. But now- I am done. I am going to find a way if I have to beg, borrow or steal in order to no longer teach in my home.
Most of my students have kids. Okay- all of them have kids. They get it when it comes to the occasional lego or toy left out. I am going to tell myself that they readily forgive the sometimes sticky chair. I can't forget the likely countless lessons I must have taught with spit-up on my shoulder. No one said a word. The baby screaming his head off with the sitter- not a flinch. The reason I am done with the home studio? The cats.
Buster and Hobbes may have single-paw-edly justified my giving up the tax break of having a home studio. Hobbes loves to curl up in the cases. Adorable. He loves to cuddle with the shoes. Charming. He even tries to win over the parents by nuzzling and cuddling with them until they pet him. He's clever and sweet. But he has developed a nasty habit of puking on shoes. I cannot tell you how mortifying it is to have to clean your student's shoes due to one too many whisker lickin's treats. And its not like the plastic flip flops my kids wear. Its the leather dress shoes the mom wore to work. This is going to be expensive. Not to mention gross. Oh and they hardly puke at other times. Just when there are Cole Haan's or suede uppers lying around.
So now I am all worried that my house will get dirty. I may actually need people scheduled here every week to keep my generalized other in check. The rent on outside locations pretty much cancels out any profit. Unless I can hire a government trained tax guy to find candidate style loopholes, I am not sure I can afford teaching elsewhere. For now I suppose I will just pop the cats a pepcid, lock them in the bedroom during lessons and pray they don't puke out their aggressions on the bed. Its a cheap bedspread, so it should be okay.
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